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Transistor Data Tables

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The continually growing number and variety of semiconductor components mean ever greater problems for the user. It is difficult to gain an overall picture of the types which may be suitable for a particular application, from those currently available. However, as a starting point, the electrical parameters of a device are usually sufficient. 
The tables in this book contain information about the package shape, pin connections and basic electrical data for each of the many thousands of transistors listed. The data includes maximum reverse voltage, forward current and power dissipation, current gain and forward transadmittance and resistance, cut-off frequency and details of applications. 
A book of this size is of necessity restricted in its scope, and the individual transistor types cannot therefore be described in the sort of detail that may be found in some larger and considerably more expensive data books. However, the list of manufacturer's addresses will make it easier for the prospective user to obtain further information, if necessary. 
This book, which is the UK edition of a work recently published in Germany, should be of considerable assistance to anyone involved in the design or repair of electronic and radio equipment, regardless of whether this may be at a professional level or as a hobbyist or experimenter.